
i could use some hyperboles now

To say that the past month and two weeks of this month have been challenging is an understatement. To say the least, the last several weeks of my life have been filled with a series of pleasant and  dreadful surprises.

I have been assigned to become a part-administrator of the school's new program, which is turning out pretty well - at least in my point of view.

The summer months have allowed me to earn extra income and at the same time develop skills and showcase my talent in writing and logistics management; activities I am very fond of doing.

Apollo came to me through the school's laptop program coursed through Sapura Technologies. Very exciting.

Then there comes the news of my mom supposedly getting a new job in Bahrain, which did not turn out pretty well after her previous employer had her detained for being a runaway (she says she isn't, though).  At present, I am still looking for money to buy her a plane ticket back home. Home, household. Okay, stop. Don't even get me started on that. I shall put them off for another post.

School started with me not knowing what my real academic load is. Surprised (not sure if pleasantly though), I took the challenge of teaching world literature and mythology for the first time. I am getting the hang of it and I am actually enjoying. I still teach journalism, the subject I shall forever adore.

Despite the administrative post I was given, I am teaching eight sections: six sophomore classes and two senior classes. I have no actual qualms about this since for the last three years, I've been handling 10-11 regular classes. At first I thought teaching 8 sections would be a breeze. But as the new alternative learning program began moving ahead, it dawned on me just how much I'd be working on; that I'd most likely be working from God knows what time until I fall asleep. Having artists in the program is both a blessing and a slight pain as these students' schedules would be as erratic as the weather; so their parents say. Then I would most likely be checking the progress of each student on a daily basis.

Hopefully, these foresights are just exaggerations of what I would actually be doing in the several months that shall be pouring in.

Rants, these things may seem, but I am actually looking forward to doing the logistical stuff of the program. I just don't know yet how I could juggle with all my extremities all these things, in spite of my yoga know-how: being a the family breadwinner, working as a student coordinator, teaching regular, online, and co-curricular classes, attending masses, working out, practicing yoga, writing, cooking, and so many other things.

 I could use some hyperboles now. Pleh


  1. oh so that's why you were thinking about selling happy and apollo :| i hope things turn out well for you and your mom :)

  2. yeah talia. that's what i thought of selling happy and apollo. good thing i didn't have to.
