
This is one of the reasons why RH Bill should be abolished

A large population is not the reason for having an impoverished nation. Think about it: the greater number of people you have, the larger workforce you have, thereby translating into a higher GNP and GDP, which in the end will save the economy.

The RH Bill which, among others, intends to affect the number of child births in the country, need to be seriously processed and thought over, if not entirely abolished or scrapped.

An editorial written by Robert Patterson shall shed more light on my point. Here is an excerpt of his editorial:

How Roe v. Wade aborted America's economy

When thousands of pro-life activists gather on the Mall Monday to protest Roe v. Wade, few in Congress or the media will connect the dots linking the Supreme Court's invention of a constitutional right to abortion 38 years ago to the economic crisis a generation later. 
The new GOP-controlled House of Representatives will certainly salute the marchers and may even call for reversing the 1973 overreach. Yet even as Republicans focus on scaling back spending and a debt limit that has nearly doubled in six years, few seem to understand that the Court deserves greater blame than big spenders for bringing the United States to a financial breaking point.

As former Jack Kemp aide John D. Mueller quantifies in his groundbreaking new book, Redeeming Economics, the Court's construction of an unrestricted right to abortion muffled American economic performance by profoundly disrupting marriage and fertility patterns.

Mueller likens the effects of Roe on baby boomers to the impact of World War II on their parents, only in reverse. Unlike the war, whose aftermath produced a boom in family life and child-packed neighborhoods --creating, per French writer R. L. Bruckberger, a "humane economy" that made America the envy of the West -- Roe ushered in a marriage and baby bust that has sucked the life-blood out of the economy.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/2011/01/how-roe-v-wade-aborted-americas-economy#ixzz1D97sN2JU

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