
I owe You an apology

Now I am convinced: CO2 emissions warm up the globe.

For the last three years, I convinced myself that natural occurrences and changes in the planet are causing this global warming and climate change phenomenon.

But after watching this video from Rob Dunbar, I cannot help but feel really bad about myself: how I allowed myself to be blinded by the incomplete facts that I have looked at, how I have become so fool to believe that human activities have very minimal effect on the environment compared to natural activities and phenomena such as Sun spots and cloud formation.

More than ever, there is a need from all of us to demand government and the private sector to do something about climate change and how this is causing ocean acidification.

Learn more about all these things that I am saying by watching this clip:

Rob Dunbar looks deeply at ancient corals and sediments to study how the climate and the oceans have shifted over the past 50 to 12,000 years -- and how the Antarctic ecosystem is changing right now. 

There are many negatives comment about RUb Dunbar's treatment of the data but what we need to focus on are the last few slides of his presentation where he talks about Ocean Acidification. Let us not forget that Earth is 70% water. It means, therefore, that we are highly dependent on what happens to the surrounding waters of our islands.

Lots of theories and researches have been presented and all those concerned have their own vested interests.

True or not, failed analysis or what not, one thing remains true: Man may be able to control certain aspects of Nature. But when Nature strikes back, there's no more reckoning.