
25 everyday random stuff that make me giddy

1. ice candy fresh from Manang Sari-Sari Store
2. ice cream fresh from Manong Sorbetero
3. isaw in UP
4. my three dogs who welcome me home
5. buko juice
6. peanut butter spread over banana
7. Oreos
8. coco jam spread over banana
9. pan de sal dipped in Coke or Sarsi
10. Spanish bread
11. Hany or Chocnut
12. Flat tops or Curly tops
13. strawberry sundae from McDo
14. good hair day that comes once in a blue moon
15. light, cold breeze
16. the rustling of leaves
17. the scent of the Ilang-Ilang tree which I get to smell every morning from the neighbor's front yard
18. Crepeman Kisses
19. students' smiles and greetings
20. hot taho placed inside my tumbler
21. corny jokes from students and the one that I come up with during lessons
22. a 45-minute run around the village (not done on a daily basis)
23. a witty remark or thought from a friend
24. smell of my moisturizer on my face
25. a promise that every day is going to be better (emo \m/)

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