
The Blair Bitch Project: scandalous video

Here is a scandalous video of a wife who caught her husband red-handed with the mistress.

In agreement with the point raised by my colleague David Sta. Maria, the video is titillating and fascinating because of any of the following reasons:

1. mistress and husband were caught red-handed enjoying the day with wife-y as an audience
2. wife-y got fed up being a non-participant observant so she attacked mistress using her two able arms to pull sexy mistress's long black hair.
3. wife-y's friend who was supposedly there to give moral support turned out to be a frustrated director and had filmed this scandal and would use the video for her gradual rise to stardom.

Just kidding.

But this video is very telling of the kind of society that we have now. I am sure in our heads, after watching the clip, we feel sorry for both women - the wife and the mistress - because this imbecile man will run away with banners of male chauvinism proudly flying above his head.

While the women are left battered, harassed, and humiliated over such predicament they now find themselves in.

I halfheartedly shared this video because of fear that I might cause uncalled for stress to the women in the video. But I guess this is a reminder for all of us to keep to our societal norms and value systems.

Yeah, rules suck sometimes. But hey, before we get to taste what we want, we have to limit ourselves to the boundaries set by the culture and society that we are living in.

But that's just one way of looking it.

After reading a commentary from Jacques Palami about this commentary, I do have to agree that I have created a pretty predictable and stereotypical story where the damsels are always in distress.

But what if that husband turns out to be a battered husband, then I guess there should be another way of looking at this.

Again, there is no truth. There's only what you believe in.... Until we hear the versions from those involved in the scandalous video.


  1. The video both in Facebook and Youtube have already been deleted.

  2. And then someone uploaded the video again. It's a new link.

    I will save my own copy.

  3. Great blog. Love your writing as well.

